About OG Consulting
Leaders in Open Source Solutions for Business
Think Open Source is just a new technology buzz word or just another way of talking about Linux. Think again. At OG Consulting our understanding of Open Source expands its lessons and philosophies to more than just a technology strategy but also to project management, conflict resolution and business development. OG Consulting marries the social sciences and insights into culture and the economy with a vast knowledge of current technologies and future trends. We believe technology should be invisible and procedures open and extensible. Our battleground is the inefficiency and distractions brought forth from technologies that constantly require human intervention in order for them to continue to perform their designed duties or the human inefficiency that stunts innovation and cooperation in companies.
OG Consulting is headed by James O’Malley and Laura Gorbea. Please contact us at +1(787) 638-5380
contact@og-consulting.com for more information.
James O’Malley
Principal Technology Consultant & Senior System Integration Analyst
Is a visionary and results oriented senior systems engineer/analyst with demonstrated leadership and experience developing and integrating cutting edge information technology solutions. Has over 10 years of Linux/Unix experience. Fully fluent in Spanish. Advanced positive company image through conferences, appearances, and training seminars. Experienced in getting disparate systems, data structures, and personnel to cooperate and understand each other.
Laura M. Gorbea, PhD
Anthropologist, specializing in multi-cultural technology and integration
Laura M. Gorbea holds an MA in anthropolgy from Stanford University, a BA from Washington Unversity, and BFA from Washington University. Ms. Gorbea has leveraged her bi-cultural studies (Hispanic/American) and her unique understanding of human/technology interaction to aid the government of Puerto Rico in its purchasing and implementation of technology and software.